Do you know the difference between snow cones and shaved ice?
- A simple explanation is Snow cones has the texture of sleet, while Shaved ice has the texture of snow.
- Snow cones are more course and rougher on the tongue, Shaved ice is like snow and less course, so it melts smoother and faster in your mouth.
- Snow cones are the familiar cone from the beach and fairs, usually served in pointed cup. Shaved ice is finer and is usually served in a flat bottom cup and most times more expensive.
- When you pour the syrup on snow cones it coats a little uneven. The shaved ice is finer and the syrup sticks better to the ice shavings.
There are a few difference between the snow cone and shaved ice machines as well
- The snow cone machines allows you to shave the ice in bulk.
- You can shave a pile of ice inside the cabinet of a snow cone machine
- Scooping out cups of snow cones are quick and easy
- You can use both hands to scoop and serve

- Shaved Ice machines you fill one cup at a time
- You need to use a foot pedal in order to use two hands otherwise you need to hold down the shave/safety button
- Selling each cup will take longer than snow cones
- Shaved Ice Machines are more expensive than snow cone machines