Inside Scoop on Keeping Customers Around Selling Popcorn

Posted by on 6/25/2018

What makes people come to your stand to buy?  The “SMELL”, it brings the customers to your stand every time.  All you need to do is pop fresh popcorn ALL day.

Pop a batch about every ½ hour. Keep the smell always in the air. People love the smell of popcorn and they know it was just popped. Do not pop

Profit Possibilities Selling Snack Bar Items

Posted by on 6/5/2018

Are you selling snack bar or concession supply items?

You can make up to 80% or more profit when selling snack bar and concession supplies. Check out the charts on how much the most popular items will make you. Click here for charts You can fund your schools team, your little leagues uniforms, your companies bottom line.

Here is an example on how much profit you make using an 8 oz (med) popcorn machine.